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A Whole New World

I was hanging on a hammock upside down flushed red and breathing heavily. "Relax Mary. Relax Mary," I kept repeating in my head.

The Antigravity instructor, a petite pretty Asian woman, was speaking in Japanese as she gave instructions on how to flip. I obviously had no idea what she was saying and I was facing a fear of falling head first. She gets next to me and models her instructions for me as she releases her hammock from her fingertips and drops her arms and hands palms up to the ground.

I'm scared!!!

But I close my eyes, take a deep breath and trust that I won't die! Haha!!

All of a sudden, A Whole New World from Aladdin begins to play on the stereo. And it takes me back to the very first moment that lead up to this experience.

I'm sitting at my kitchen table and this handsome muscular man sitting across me pulls out his saxophone. He smiles at me and begins to play A

Whole New World.

At that moment, I knew my life was going to change. I knew this was going to be love- true love. I knew this was the beginning of something special- something Great.

So I'm hanging upside down on this hammock and I realize how this man has really taken me to a whole new world. I'm in Japan, hearing Japanese spoken to me and I'm gazing at this magnificent clear view of the sea. I take a deep breath and soak it all in.

I soak in the blessing of being married to the man who has literally changed my life in the most positive ways. I soak in the blessing of being able to experience something brand new. Ever since I started dating this man, life feels brand new. My life has become a whole new world.

I love you Antuan Aaron.

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